Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 7 update

Well what a week
A big Thank You to the volunteers who come out on Monday to help us in the bunkers, thanks guys it was a huge effort  taking out a total of 15 trailer loads of mud, in the heat was a massive effort. Then during the week we cleaned up some more and added sand to some and overall we managed to get all bunkers in play by Saturday for open day.
Also a big shout out to all the vets who came out on thursday to do a general clean up, that too was a big effort and helped to get all the debris finally under control.
We had all 18 greens in play for Saturday and managed to get allot of mowing done as well. The major problem is that with the dew in the morning that has become very difficult to find enough time where the sediment is not sticky and clogging up the rollers and cylinders of the mowers.
well that is about it just a quick one, thanks for your patience and with the growth of the turf it is growing in very quickly and more areas are getting back to a good standard.   till next time .. keep swinging  pete

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

remember this ?

Well it doesn't seem that long ago when we had this water all around, allot has happened between now and then, today we opened back up the 7th green and the 15th should be right for next week then 17th the following week , the turf is coming back nicely on the fairways, but great care must be taken if and when these bare areas get wet as it turns real slippery very quickly.
Today we pushed off the last of the mud on the 15th fairway, and began fertilizing the couch to help quicken the speed of recovery.
The root system in the greens before the flood was around 25 cms deep after the water cleared ( 2 - 5 days) the effects on the plant were obvious in the root system degenerated back to only 2 to 3 cms and all the healthy white root hairs non existent.but after extensive applications of potassium, calcium, auxinone and chemical treatment to ball the clay partials and force them down through the profile we are seeing great success.Now the root system of the turf  is bouncing back with healthy and strong growth and starting to get some length ( about 7 cms) there is still along wat to go but we are heading in the right direction.
The greens Renovation will be altered so as to not stress the plant out thus we wont be scarifying this reno but we will have to verti-cut more often, we will be verti-draining the greens on Monday the 14th with a long thin solid tyne this will alleviate  compaction and have very little disruption to the turfs surface.
Just a quick note about temporary greens - we do not mow these regularly in fact we mow these as little as possible as after a few mows the little turf that is there at the start will no longer be there after a couple of mows  and turn to the surface back to dirt these are temporary greens and put in to use to enable some more holes to be played if these were not used we would still only have a few holes to play instead of 17 as is now the case and id say 17 is better than 7 .....just a thought.
well to next time keep swinging.....and thanks for the photos (Trev thoroughbred) pete