Thursday, March 18, 2010

week 11 update

hi all
what a week we have had with the grass growing at full pace after all the rain (over 150mm over 2 weeks)we are slowly catching up with it.
we have started back in the bunkers to get them into decent condition, we always fall behind with bunker maintenance when we renovate the greens as all our manpower goes into getting the renovation done as quickly as possible thus all other schedualed jobs on the course get backlogged and it usually takes us 3 to 4 weeks to catch up
The Fairway upgrades are going along well we have got rid of the paspalem and other weeds from the 4th and 5th as well as halves of 7th 8th and 18th we have been encouraging the turf (winter green couch) to creep into these bare areas, alot of the smaller patches have grown in and now with the weather starting to cool down we will oversow these areas with a seeded common couch to give us cover throughout the winter season
please note that we leave this sowing to the last minute as we want the wintergreen to have as much advantage and to get the most growth as possible
you will notice that the 4th and 18th have been oversown there is plenty of seed and the birds will get a good feed but that is one of the things we cant stop.
well to next timekeep swinging pete

1 comment:

  1. So is the grass really greener on the other side with more nitrogen based fertilisers.
