well a short week this week, that means we have to keep moving to get all the weeks general golfcourse maintenance jobs done and then try to fit in the special projects (13th fairway turfing patches and 8th bunkers walkway) as well as some tree planting to boot, this means that we all get in and attack the projects as a group thus allowing us to do it quickly and properly and get back to our regular maintenance jobs as soon as possible, its a shame that we cop some criticism on the Tuesday when we were all getting in and fixing the pathway on the 8th, that some recon that we had too many staff there helping.
to that i say that it was a very labor intensive job, all work had to be done by hand and we are using new materials and different methods(see next blog) than have been used in the past, thus it was a good opportunity to show all the staff how i want this type of project done in the future, so my main message is that unless you know all the facts don't criticize on what you know nothing about.
The weeds in the greens have been spot sprayed, and will be followed up over the next few weeks as the chemical we use is slow acting thus giving the couch time to fill in underneath the weed and not leave a hole in the turf
The mole cricket have had a second dose of bait thus most of these are gone and we have also sprayed the greens with Neem oil thus making the area unattractive to these pests.
we attempted to verti-cut the greens on Monday (back of 1st green 4 runs of mower) but we were still bringing up to much sand so we till try again next week, as i would like to get 2 verti-cuts in before winter this will smooth the roll of the ball and give us a little more pace on the greens.
You'll notice a few new palms on the 2nd hole i plan to make this a feature of the 2nd so if you have any palms in pots that you would like to donate they would be most appreciated thanks and until next time keep swinging pete
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